Flyer for "Community Sundays" event featuring sunflowers, gardening tools, and produce. Includes dates: 16th March, 4th May, 15th June, 27th July. Event time: 10:30 am to 4:30 pm at Bridge Farm, Glenfrome Rd, Bristol BS16 1BQ. Promotes free food and activities in nature by Bristol Tree Craft.
Group of people working on a trench in a grassy field with a tent and tools nearby
Group of people in a tent working on a yellow sign that reads "Bristol Tree" with paint and tools on a table.
Two people sitting by a campfire outdoors with trees in the background, one is wearing a red shirt and the other a yellow hat. Another person in a yellow jacket is in the background near the trees.

Get stuck in at our weekly Community Sessions.

We work with groups of young people accessing mental health support services, refugees/asylum seekers and adults in recovery from addiction to create beautiful things out of wood.

Group of people engaged in woodworking outdoors, sitting on wooden horses and using hand tools, near a large tent.
A person carving wood using chisels on an outdoor workbench, with other people in the background working. The bench is covered with various chisels and a mallet.
Two individuals working on a woodworking project outdoors under a tent. They are using tools on wooden pieces laid on wood chips.
Group woodworking workshop with tools and sharpening stones.

Hone your skills at Sharp Club.

Our tea and tool care morning on alternate Mondays. Learn how to sharpen tools, support our free-to-access community work and meet lovely folk at our beautiful space in Bridge Farm.

Lend a hand on our Public Courses.

Where we spend a whole or half day making bowls, spoons, cups and more!

(These opportunities are open to those who have volunteered before with us in some other capacity)

Group of people outdoors holding wooden spoons, smiling