Our Values

  1. Kindness. We all need it to feel safe. There is never cause not to be kind. Caring for ourselves, each other and the world we share. How we behave has wider effects than we can ever know.

  2. Respect. Honouring people’s differences and boundaries at all times. Recognising that in our diversity is our strength.

  3. Consent. Checking in before acting in a way that might affect someone negatively. If in any doubt, ask first.

  4. Zero-tolerance when it comes to any form of bias or prejudice against someone based on their race, ethnicity, class, age, disability, gender, sex, sexual orientation or any other from of discrimination.

  5. Communication. Actively listening to one another. Asking for what we need. Asking others what they need. Making space for every voice to be heard.

  6. Gratitude. Celebrating ourselves and others. Making appreciation and encouragement a matter of course.

  7. Co-Empowerment. Helping each other lean into our potential. Building a space in which anyone can feel that their say has a key role in shaping its future.

  8. Humility. Being honest with our mistakes. Being forgiving to ourselves and others when we/they make mistakes. Being accountable for what we do.

  9. Collaboration. Playing to our strengths and calling on others to bring theirs. We can achieve more together.

  10. Joy. Finding moments of fun and reasons to laugh. Leaning into those small fleeting moments that stay with us and make our day a little brighter.